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A JAPANESE TOUCH FOR YOUR GARDEN, Kiyoshi Seike & Masanobu Kudo

Judul/Title: A Japanese Touch for Your Garden
Penulis/Author: Kiyoshi Seike & Masanobu Kudo
Penerbit/Publisher: Kodansha International Limited
Edisi/Edition: I/1992
Halaman/Pages: 80
Dimensi/Dimension: 22 x 29.5 x 1cm
Sampul/Cover: Hardcover
Bahasa/Language: English
Harga/Price: Rp. 70.000,-
Call No.: 712/Sei/j/C.1
Status: Ada/Available

With this book, you can bring a touch of Oriental magic into your own backyard. All the basic components of a Japanese garden and their functions are explained and illustrated: stepping stone, paving stones, lanterns, sign, and statues; streams, waterfalls, and ponds: bamboo fences, gates, and walls. The Authors are eminent authorities on architectural design, botany, and landscape design.

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